The following PERSONS are the FOUNDER and First Joiners. They joined PT.BINTANG SAMUDRA UTAMA in the First Year of company establishment, we call them The Pioneers

GUNAWAN, He was born in 1957 at Pekalongan, graduated Technical High School in 1977 and Second Year at Faculty of Law, University of Mulawarman, East Kalimantan, Un-Finished. Entitled as The PRESIDENT DIRECTOR. His career started as Skilled labor for various contractors in Oil & Gas Exploration Industry, continued as Marine & Cargo Surveyor, Petroleum Surveyor. Turned his career in Shipping by Joining Inschape Ships Agency – Indonesia. In 1997, with his friends founded PT. BINTANG SAMUDRA UTAMA.
He lived in Jakarta having two children and very interesting in Perkutut Bird Contest and Perkutut Bird Farming, he spent most spare time in Perkutut Bird Farming side by side his lovely home.