AKR Corporindo Tbk, a Reputable Private Petroleum Product Supplier in Indonesia, and one of our best partner awarded an opportunity to deliver our service in supporting their sts (ships to ship) cargo operations at Stagen Port / Kotabaru. The most reason of Akr Corporindo Tbk operating sts operations as their solution to enable imported bigger parcel of gasoil shipment into their owned and self operated Terminal at Stagen and facing obstacle in Port Channel Draft Restriction. Akr Stagen Terminal with 80,000 K/L shore Tanks storage Capacity is biggest Private Gasoil Storage in the area. Ship to Ship Transfer
Since Akr Corporindo Tbk imported bigger Parcel of Gasoil Shipment on Bigger Tanker than maximum draft restriction to across stagen channal, they need to arrange sts transfer at Anchorage area to ensure the safety of Tanker carried their cargo during passing Port Channal. AKR Corporindo Tbk provided 2 x 5000 KL capacity Tanker Barges, 4 x 2.5 m dia x 3.5 m length of Heavy Duty Pneumatic Rubber Fenders and other required equipment for ensuring safe sts operations. PT. Bintang Samudra Utama appointed as their Maritime Partner. Pre STS Planning Mr Mahdi Kadir the Head of Operations, AKR Stagen Terminal taking the Lead of STS Operations since very beginning. He set-up operations planning, presented to all team members for review and suggestions, accomodate valuable suggestions and finalized the plan and make it happened on the operations. Akr Stagen Pre sts Meeting Pre Operations Meeting have been held several times lead by Head of Operations Akr Stagen Terminal, Mr Mahdi Kadir, attended by Mr Yuwono (Akr Jakarta S.H.E Manager), Capt. Ishtiyaq Sawant (Glencore Singapore Representative)M, Capt Mostafa bin Abdul Rahman (FenderCare Singapore Mooring Master), PT. Bintang Samudra Utama Team (as Ships agent and Sts Support Service provider), All Concerning Parties of AKR Stagen Terminal Personeel to discuss all aspects and possibilities, and prepared proper Action Plan. Capt. Ishtiyaq Sawant demonstrated his brilliant quick calculation of tanker Draft probability on the meeting
Capt. Ishtiyaq Sawant Giving his brilliant idea and suggestion during the meeting to enhance all sts team members knowledge and awareness, His input have been accomodated by all team members to improve the planning. He also spending much time to personally inspect all equipment available to ensure everything well prepared and properly handled. He went into all details of operations planning and equipment involved on the sts operations. Capt. Ishtiyaq Sawant also attended on board of MT. Navig8 Spirit during sts operations at Anchorage.
STS Preparations
Shore Preparations of Heavy Duty Hose loaded onto designated oil Barge.On 02nd May 2012 a day before STS Operations, final physical Equipment Re-Checking have been conducted by Mr Mahdi Kadir, Capt Ishtiyaq Sawant, and Capt Mostafa assisted by AKR Team, to ensure everything well prepared. The re-check Heavy Duty Hoses, Fenders, Barges, Tugs and required supporting equipment. They supervised themself all preparation including Hose Connecting test, Hose Loaded onto designated Oil Barge, Fenders Mobilization Preparations and Installation. Fenders have been well prepared on shore. They have monitored every movement details of Pneumatic Rubber Fenders will be utilized on sts operations since in the closed storage at AKR Stagen Area up to arrived on wharf of Akr Stagen and followed by placing to the oil Barge. They also briefed all Tugs & Barges crew to have better understanding and awareness on safety and pollution prevention.
STS Operations
MT Navig8 Spirit arrived at sts point on Time as well as sts Team and all equipments. All Plan working very well. Average discharging rate into 2 (two) barges is 800 K/L per hour. The transfer duratiions 19 (nineteen) hours for 10,000 K/L. Mother Vessels arrival Draft : 11.40 m even keel and Draft during crossing channel is 09.65 m even keel. Barge maneuvering for approach MT Navig8 Spirit assisted by 2 (two) Tug Boats. Perfect Timing have been achieved by sts Team, MT Navig8 Spirit safely across channel to proceed berthing at AKR Stagen Terminal to resume her cargo operations at berth onto shore Tanks and Akr Stagen Terminal. Mother Vessels sailed out from Akr Stagen Terminal at 12.00 05th May 2012, her arrival time at 2330 02nd May 2012 thus Total Port Stay : 54.50 hours.
The Persons
Mr Mahdi Kadir
Mr Mahdi Kadir Mr Mahdi is The Head Operations of AKR Stagen Terminal, he take lead of the whole sts operations
Mr Yuwono
Mr Yuwono Mr Yuwono (Head of S.H.E Dept of AKR Corporindo Tbk – Jakarta Head Office, He attended sts operations since very beginning and also Joining the team to present at sts area in Anchorage.
Mr Her Setiyaji
Mr Her Setiyaji Mr Her Setiyaji is the Person in Charge to deal with Cargo Customs Clearance and General Operations. He resolved complex arrangement with Customs Office to obtain special Permit from Customs Office to enable Mother Vessel having cargo discharging operations at Anchorage and continued by cargo operations at berth in Akr Stagen Terminal.
Capt. Ishtiyaq Sawant
Capt Sawant Capt Ishtiyaq Sawant is Representative of Glencore Singapore as Charterer of MT Navig8 Spirit. He attended the sts operations to assist and advising sts technical operations related.
Capt Mostafa bin Abdul Rahman
Capt Mostafa Capt Mostafa is Senior Mooring Master of FenderCare Asia Pacific, He attended Akr Stagen STS Operations to watch, supervise and advice the whole sts operations. He toke command for Barge Mooring / Unmooring during the operations.
Capt. Hans Tons Tindage
Capt Hans Capt Hans Tindage is Senior Mooring Master hired by PT.Bintang Samudra Utama to Support AKR Stagen STS Operations in Maritime Aspects, He is working hand in hand with Capt Mostafa to ensure smooth operations.
Mr Syahril Karli
Mr Syahril Karli Mr Syahril is STS Supervisor from PT.Bintang Samudra Utama – Jakarta, He attended AKR Stagen STS Operations to lead Mooring Gang in assiting the whole sts operations.
Mr Iwan Nugroho
Mr Iwan Nugoroho Mr Iwan Nugroho is Operations Manager of PT.Bintang Samudra Utama – Kotabaru Branch Office. He is responsible for ships agencuy operations during MT Navig8 Spirit calling AKR Stagen Kotabaru Terminal and STS Operations.
Mr Tedjo
Mr Tedjo Mr Tedjo is Operations Support of PT.Bintang Samudra Utama – Jakarta, He attended Akr Stagen STS Operations for supporting general operations of Kota Baru Branch Office in Handling agency matters for MT Navig8 Spirit.
Image Gallery
Checking STS Location on Chart
Checking Designated STS Point on the Chart
Everybody Thinking
Everybody Thingking during The Preparations Meeting
Briefing on Hose Operations
The Senior Mooring Master briefed to youngs about Hose operations related.
AKR STS Team Proactively inspected Barge's Preparation before STS Operations
Fenders in Shore Storage
Fender ; Pneumatic Rubber Yokohama type in the shore storage of AKR Stagen Terminal