Legal & Formalities has very basic function of an Legal Organization in the Country. SHIPPING LICENSE, in Indonesia named SIUPAL is critical License to be obtained to enable an organization operate as SHIPPING COMPANY. As shipping company The Government of The Republic of Indonesia serve special treatment, especially in Taxation Matters. There are about 17 (seventeen) license have to be obtained from government offices in various level to enable a company legally operate in Indonesia.Imam Sulistyo (Mr), well known as TYO in daily, responsible for all Legal and Formalities matters for PT.Bintang Samudra Utama – Jakarta Head Office. He is assigned as Legal Officers. Tyo also responsible for all legal task related to Branch Offices.

Obtaining Country Entry Permit for Foreign Flag Vessel will calling Indonesian Ports is must. Unfortunately, Country Entry Permit or well knows as
PKKA (Pemberitahuan Keagenan Kapal Asing) served by Directorate General of Sea Communications in Jakarta within office hours only. In some occasions, ships agent receiving agency appointment in the last minutes of week day and vessel ETA within week end. Thus agent need to do some acrobatic arrangements to avoid any unnecessary delay of the vessel. Sudar (Mr) working under Legal and Formalities Team is the person who responsible to obtain country entry permit. He has very hectic day since he has to run after the time to ensure the foreign flag vessel calling Indonesian Ports covered by this PKKA.Sudar reachable at personal email sudar@bsus.co.id
General Support Team

General Support Team will be responsible for other tasks were not classified and covered by other departments, and mostly working in back end. Preparing some know how infrastructure, ascertaining the database design and architecture. Working side by side with Business development manager to generate new business and other roles were not in day to day company operations. General Support is aimed to support all departments to improve their products quality and service delivered, but Not as quality controller.